She was born Jan. 26, 1893, departed this life March 22, 1919, being 26 years, 1 month and 24 days old.
She was married to R. L. Judkins Feb. 13, 1915, and to this union one child was born, little Philip, aged 3½ years.
Soon after her marriage she moved to Waynesville, Mo. where she has since made her home.
Sallie was taken with Spanish influenza about Nov. 20, from which disease she never recovered. Before her death they took her to the Baptist Sanitorium in St. Louis, Mo., and then took her to her brother, W. L. Curtis, at Ft. Smith, where she only lived 3 days.
After her death she was brought home and laid to rest in the family cemetery. Many beautiful floral offerings were given. Besides her father, mother, husband and child, Sallie leaves 7 brothers and 4 sisters, and many relatives and friends to mourn her loss.
Prior to her marriage she was a public school teacher of Newton county, having taught for five years. She was a member of the Baptist Church and always took great interest in Sunday school and church affairs.
She was loving and kind to every one and had many friends where ever she went and was loved and respected by all who knew her.
It is hard for those who love her to give her up just in the bloom of womanhood, but God's will be done. She told them that she was ready to die, and blessed her husband, brothers and sisters that were with her when she died. Her Last words were "All is well".
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