Thursday, September 8, 2016

Unknown Mitchell, d. February 23, 1890

Waynesville Democrat: A very sad accident occurred at this place Sunday afternoon, in the drowning of the two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell. Mrs. Mitchell with her two children and a young girl, all on one horse, started to cross the creek here at the upper ford, and when about half way across the horse stumbled and fell throwing them all into the water. By what seems almost a miracle, Mrs. Mitchell and the girl succeeded in reaching the shore with the babe, but the other child drifted down with the current about a hundred yards and sank. All Sunday afternoon, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the creek was dragged and drifts torn away in search of the body but up to the time of going to press it had not been found.

Rolla Herald

February 27, 1890

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

J.A. Carmack d. June 17, 1907

We were very sorry to learn of the sudden death of J.A. Carmack, a pioneer citizen of this county, which occurred at Crocker Monday morning. Mr. Carmack had gone to the blacksmith shop to have some work done when he was stricken with paralysis and lived only a few hours. His remains were laid to rest beside his wife in the Crocker cemetery Tuesday.

Pulaski County Democrat

June 21, 1907

Monday, September 5, 2016

Vivian Imogene (Tallman) Hoops d. September 14, 1910

We are pained to learn of the death of Mrs. J.L. Hoops, which occurred at her home in Crocker Wednesday morning after an illness of more than three years duration with tuberculosis. Mrs. Hoops was stricken with the disease and a change of climate was advised, so she tried the climate of New Mexico, several sanatoriums of this state and was brought home from Oklahoma only a short time previous to her death, where she had gone for treatment. She leaves a father, Uncle Jerry Talman, a devoted husband and four small children to mourn her untimely taking away. Services were held Thursday by the pastor of the Presbyterian church of which she was a devoted member and her remains were laid away in the Crocker cemetery. The entire county extends to Mr. hoops and the bereaved ones sympathy in their sorrow.

Pulaski County Democrat

September 16, 1910

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Ella A. (Houk) Colley 1869-1913


Mrs. Ella A. Colley, wife of Chas. H. Colley, a clerk in the Secretary of State's office, died at their residence in Jefferson City last Sunday afternoon at 6:30 following a long illness of a complication of diseases. She had been very low for several months. About two months ago, besides her other sufferings, she was stricken blind and remained so until death came to her relief.

She was born in Miller county Mo. April 19, 1869. She was the daughter of Henry C. Houk of Indianapolis, Ind., who was at her bedside when the end came. April 21, 1887 she was united in marriage to C.H. Colley, and until five years ago they resided in Waynesville. To this union eleven children were born, nine of which live to mourn their mothers death. They are: Mrs. S.G. Ballard of Waynesville, Mrs. A.J. Schwaller, Mrs. Arch M. Woodson, Clyde, Morris, Milford, Buford, Arthur and Melba. Four brothers and five sisters also survive her. Mrs. Colley was a woman of noble character and sweet disposition and was universally loved and respected by all who knew her.

Her long suffering and affliction was met and borne with christian fortitude, believing to the last that she would eventually be again restored to health. She was a devout church member, a kind and affectionate mother, and a loving and faithful wife. Her life was put to a use that will win her an eternal reward. Funeral services were conducted at the M.E. Church South, in Waynesville Tuesday afternoon by Rev. H.W. Bostwick amidst a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. The remains were beautifully prepared for burial, in a splendid casket, the floral offerings from friends and relatives being very appropriate and imposing, including a wreath from the Secretary of State's office.

The remains were laid to rest in the Mitchell cemetery to await the eternal morning.

Those from a distance who attended the funeral were: H.C. Houk of Indianapolis, Ind; J.H. Moore and wife, Frank and Harley Houk, Newburg, Mrs. Anna Haberbash, St. Louis; R.A. McClintic, a clerk in the Department of State; A.J. Schwaller and wife, Jefferson City; H.E. Rollins and family, J.F. Rhea and wife, all of Dixon.

The Democrat extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved relatives and friends.

Published August 14, 1913

Saturday, September 3, 2016

James M. Rollins (1830-1913)

JAMES M. ROLLINS Was born in Virginia Sept. 25, 1830, died in Waynesville, Mo., June 12, 1913, aged 82 years, 8 months and 17 days. In 1851 he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah J. Martin in Va., and in 1858, they moved to Pulaski county, Missouri, settling what is known as the "Rollins farm" near Bellefonte. Nine children were born to this union, seven surviving, namely: H.E. of Dixon, Mrs. G.W. Pippin, of Richland; E.M., of Willow Springs; R.R., of Winona; J.C., of Brownfield; Mrs. J.B. Morgan, of Waynesville and Sam T., of Waynesville. The eldest daughter became the wife of T.S. Barlow and died many years ago, while a son Thomas M. was drowned in the Gasconade river June 10, 1892. Deceased is also survived by twenty-nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren. He raised one grandchild, G.R. Barlow and one nephew, C.J. McDonald. During the war he served in the army as a Union soldier and was converted while in the army, later he joined the Baptist church and lived in a consistent christian life thereafter, being one of the founders and pillars of Berean Baptist Church.
In 1870, he was elected to the office of Sheriff and Collector, and re-elected in 1872, retiring in 1874, after four years service. He was an honest and faithful servant of the people while in office, and as a private citizen his excellence and worth can hardly be estimated. Suffice to say his life (its influence) will live after him, and in the future will reveal more and more his real worth.
He belonged distinctively to that class of pioneers who have made this county what it is today, in a time when it took real men to face conditions as they found them and by honest, patient toil change them to conform more nearly to the requirements of more advanced educational and moral standards. He endeavored to the full measure of his ability, to leave the world better than he found it. Therefore, through example, he still lives among us. To him the mystery of death has been disclosed, and with the aid of Christian faith we may, with consolation, perceive immortality beyond that mysterious line.
He was laid to rest Friday afternoon in the family burying ground, on the old homestead, beside his beloved companion who preceded him to the grave about four years ago. Rev. J.L. Hicks, pastor of the Waynesville Baptist Church conducting the funeral, surrounded by all the family except one son R.R. of Winona, who was unable to make train connections in time to get there. Rev. T.J. Zumwalt and W.W. Nickels, two pioneer patriarchs and life-long friends of the deceased, were present, and amidst a death-like silence, with forms bowed with grief and the weight of years, each with shattered voices, through their tears added their testimony to his life and character, and expressed renewed confidence in the hope of immortality, and that living should be a preparation for eternity.
"Prepare to meet thy God."

"Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the son of Man cometh."

Friday, September 2, 2016

Clarence M. Williams d. June 17, 1913

CLARENCE M. WILLIAMS, Son of Ashley G. and Cordelia J. Williams was born in Maries county, Missouri, May 30, 1890, died in Waynesville, at 3 a.m. Tuesday morning, June 17, 1913, aged 23 years and 18 days. he had been sick with typhoid fever for several weeks, and it was thought he was slowly improving until last Sunday when alarming complications arose which in spite of tender nursing and medical aid, soon overcame his feeble strength and his spirit returned to God, who gave it, and the mortal remains were laid to rest in the Bradford cemetery Tuesday afternoon, funeral services having been conducted at the Baptist Church in Waynesville by Rev. J.L. Hicks. Clarence was the oldest of a family of eight, three of whom have gone before. At the age of 20 he was converted and joined the Baptist Church at Waynesville, and remained faithful until called up higher. He was industrious, faithful, and consecrated for a young man his age. For over two years he had been the trusted and faithful assistant in the Circuit Clerk's office. he will be sadly missed by all who knew him. It is not our privilege to understand the mystery of life and death. The only light and hope we can get is from the revelation given in the great book of books. For a young man like Clarence Williams whose short life was one of honest purpose and good deeds, we should not grieve but rather believe hat his sojourn on earth is finished and the Master called him to his eternal reward, May He who overrules all events for His own glory comfort and sustain his broken-hearted father, mother, and little brothers. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Mary Elizabeth (Carmack) Foote d. January 17, 1916

Mrs. W.B. Foot of near Bear Ridge died at her home about 6 o'clock Monday evening of pneumonia, after an illness of only two weeks. The deceased was 37 yrs. of age at the time of her death. She leaves to mourn her departure of this life, in addition to a host of friends. A loving husband and three small children, parents Mr. and Mrs. John Carmack of the Bell Creek neighborhood. Two brothers, W.R. and Ivy Carmack. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday, January 18th, at the Christian Church at Crocker, of which church she was a true and devote member. The remains were laid to rest in the Crocker Cemetery. We extend our heart felt sympathy to the bereaved relatives in this, their great sorrow.