Friday, September 2, 2016

Clarence M. Williams d. June 17, 1913

CLARENCE M. WILLIAMS, Son of Ashley G. and Cordelia J. Williams was born in Maries county, Missouri, May 30, 1890, died in Waynesville, at 3 a.m. Tuesday morning, June 17, 1913, aged 23 years and 18 days. he had been sick with typhoid fever for several weeks, and it was thought he was slowly improving until last Sunday when alarming complications arose which in spite of tender nursing and medical aid, soon overcame his feeble strength and his spirit returned to God, who gave it, and the mortal remains were laid to rest in the Bradford cemetery Tuesday afternoon, funeral services having been conducted at the Baptist Church in Waynesville by Rev. J.L. Hicks. Clarence was the oldest of a family of eight, three of whom have gone before. At the age of 20 he was converted and joined the Baptist Church at Waynesville, and remained faithful until called up higher. He was industrious, faithful, and consecrated for a young man his age. For over two years he had been the trusted and faithful assistant in the Circuit Clerk's office. he will be sadly missed by all who knew him. It is not our privilege to understand the mystery of life and death. The only light and hope we can get is from the revelation given in the great book of books. For a young man like Clarence Williams whose short life was one of honest purpose and good deeds, we should not grieve but rather believe hat his sojourn on earth is finished and the Master called him to his eternal reward, May He who overrules all events for His own glory comfort and sustain his broken-hearted father, mother, and little brothers. 

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