Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Clara Thompson 1897-1909


The death angel has again visited our town and removed from our midst Miss Clara, the beloved daughter of John Thompson, aged 14 years and three months, with typhoid fever. The remains were laid to rest in the Richland cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Elders Manes and Hawkins. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.


We desire to thank our many friends for the kind assistance and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our beloved daughter and sister, Clara.

John Thompson and Children

Pulaski County Democrat

13 August, 1909

Resolutions of Respect.

Whereas; That the great author of our being has, in his infinite wisdom and tender mercy, seen fit to call to her reward after a brief illness and suffering of typhoid fever, little "Clara", age 14 years, second eldest daughter of Bro. John Thompson, therefore be it, resolved, that we the members of Gasconade lodge No. 439 of the Independent Order Odd Fellows in regular session assembled, do hereby extend to the father and three remaining children, our deep regret and profound sympathy in this another great trial of sad bereavement, following so closely the inevitable taking away of the dearly beloved wife and mother. Be it further resolved, that a transcript of these resolutions be offered for publication in the county papers and that a copy of the same be made part of the records of our lodge. Also that a copy of the original draft be placed in the possession of the grief stricken family.

"Since thy tender spirit has fled, to realms beyond the azure dome,
Then God's bright angels have said, welcome! to Heaven's home, sweet home."

Resolutions offered by,
J.F. Howery, Swedeborg, Mo.

Pulaski County Democrat

27 August, 1909

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